Sorry, you cannot order online, but there are several ways you can order:
  1. Download the order form in Exel format - fill in the form - store this on your computer - send it by E-mail as enclosure.
  2. Download the order form in PDF format - print the form - fill in the form - send it by  Post.
  3. Create your order direct in a E-mail and send it or create your order in a text file and send it by E-mail or Post.


Orderform in PDF formatOrderform in Microsoft Excel format Order form in PDF and Excel format

In some countries we have a representative. If there is one indicated in your country please contact these.

Overview of our representatives:

Deutschland Modellspielwaren Norbert Mietz MSW-Mietz@t-online.de
Fritzes Modellbörse – Delmenhorst info@fritzesmodellboerse.de
Denmark Modellastbiler Martin Strom martin@modellastbiler.dk
Japan Model Truck Factory info@mt-factory.com
Brasil Parpinelli's Trucks parpinelli_trucks@hotmail.com

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To use the XLS-file you need Microsoft Excel (v 5 or higher).

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